giovedì 15 maggio 2014

The White Hunter

back in early 1945, on the plans and slow rolling hills of Hungary, a white washed, battle weary  hunter  sortied out for its preys: tigers and panthers ! 1/72  Dragon SU-100 with some scratch photoetched parts, metal gun barrel from RB  and Armo tracks, painted with AK and  Italeri acrylics. Weathering by oils and enamels from AK Interactive.

mercoledì 14 maggio 2014

Somewhere close to hell...

... In an hell called Somalia, the AMISOM forces  ( African Union Mission in Somalia) are struggling to restore  peace against the Al Shabab militias. Backbone of the mission are the armoured fornces from the Ugandese Army, deploying varous model of T55, including upgraded T55MV with reactive armour . Using Pst 1/72 kit with an heavily modified modelltrans turret,  I depicted one of this tank  bypassing a dump were lie abandones a Mig -17 of the former Somali Air corps...